It's your game, your passion must come from your heart. - not what other people tell you, don't pay too much attention when someone tells you to do something that doesn't come from your heart. (or you'll risk doing something that doesn't look like you, and therefore without any legitimate emotion - and that's never good, it usually doesn't end well at all when creators do what others tell them and do not express what they have in their hearts)
Above all, a creator must allow his passion to be freely expressed, this is the most important priority. - if the passion isn't there, it's not even worth continuing. (it will just be a waste of health, money and time)
Speaking of the game...
I fell completely in love with his best friend Matt. - he is absolutely handsome. And to add to it he seems to be super nice and a really loving friend.
Take good care of you.
JohnEP (Johnathaniel)