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A member registered Jan 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh, I'm happy making this, I definitely don't feel forced! I appreciate the kind thoughts, though 🙂

I'll have a dev build soon, which is a preview build for higher level patrons that adds the middle third of the next release to  what I already shared on Patreon. I'll talk more about it in a post on here once it's ready, including a more detailed progress report on the entire Morning After Update. 

But basically, I've had some health issues this year that, along with the complexity of coding this section, led to this extended delay. Things have much improved in the past several weeks on both fronts, thankfully. The full release will go into early access maybe a month from now, but I'm not sure yet.

Thank you so much 🙂

A romance path is being added for Evan. They were too adorable together not to do it. Here's something a little on the spicy side I haven't shown yet:

Here's a preview of a sweeter moment that you may have missed:

And just 'cause I'm feeling generous, a CG I made for Patreon of Evan being both spicy and sweet:

I might have something from the next update I could share as a tease. Who are your favorite guys?

Hey there, I'm glad you're loving the game. I haven't done a Discord server yet 'cause I don't really have time to moderate one currently. But I hope to do one someday for sure.

There will be opportunities to have group hookups, but romances will only be couples, so no throuples or anything.

Still working on it. I'll have a public update on its status soon-ish.

Yes, I will do one in the future, I just don't know when that'll be yet.

No ETA as of yet, but I'm working on it!

I think it would depend on who is approaching/flirting with Connor. I don't really plan to have anyone be possessive of him, but they might be annoyed if it's, like, their worst enemy trying to take their man.

Maybe Matt would be the most prone to jealousy just because he's used to being Connor's top priority, but honestly, that envy is often quickly replaced with arousal. He's thinking something like "Ugh, why is Connor spending all his time with his roommate and not me! Wait, maybe the three of us could hang out together... 😈"

Yup, there are several! Of the romance options, there are two - the PC's roommate, who is bi, and another guy who thinks he's straight but will eventually realize that's not entirely accurate.

There's no Android version yet. I plan to do one in the future, though I don't know when that'll be.

There are some comments below that explain ways to play on Android now, but I haven't tried any of them and can't vouch for them.

I will do an Android port in the future but don't currently have an ETA.

Yup! You'll get the most "morning after" content with him if you made it all the way up to the makeout scene at the party. It can get sexual (but not  a full hookup yet) depending on the new choices you make.

I've made y'all wait awhile for more Riley, so here's a non-canon CG I recently made for Patreon of him getting caught in a supply closet with NC17. Maybe it'll help tide us over a tiny bit 😉

That is a point where the current version of the game ends. The game is in development and releases story updates episodically. The next release will continue on from that point as well as all of the other end points in the current version.

No release date yet.

3 of the 10 romance guys have a full hookup so far - Marco, Alex, and Griffin. Owen has something I'd consider hookup-adjacent. Evan, Isaiah, and Riley can get to makeout scenes that have some erotic above-the-clothes stuff. 

Matt doesn't have a hookup in the next update, but it can start getting sexual if you wake up at his apartment. It's kind of a tease, but I think a good one based on the reactions I've seen from those who have played it early.

You can choose your position, I don't lock the player into a specific role.

Wow, thank you for the incredibly kind comment! I do agree it's hard to find content about queer men that feels like we're part of the intended audience. I'm glad you feel this VN help fills that gap!

I'm glad you're enjoying it! And yeah, not being allowed in to the private party was a bummer, but you'll definitely see more of Alex. NC17 as well 🙂

Thank you for your kind words 🙂

There isn't a release date yet. I will make a post on here when there is one. If you follow me, you'll get an email when I make that post.

It is still being created and hasn't been released yet. I have an early preview available as an incomplete build, which has stuff for Matt, Owen, Evan, & Julian. But that's only on Patreon. The full release will be free on here after an early access period, so don't feel like you need to join to continue the story!

You can't hook up with Matt in the current version of the game. You can start trending things in that direction in the next story update that I'm working on now.

I would like to do an Android port at some point, but I'll need to have the funds to hire someone to assist me first. So I don't know when that will happen.

The morning after update isn't released yet, it's still in development.

There's only one so far. I'm adding a new one between each bigger story update. The next release continues everyone's storylines, and the release after that will add the second Grind'm scenario. The guy voted to get the scenario is Trevor, NC17's twin.

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far 🙂

Wow, big in Brazil? I have no idea how accurate that is, but I'll gladly accept all the hugs 🥰

I haven't written a CG unlock guide yet, but there are a couple of unofficial guides:

Google Docs Guide
Fan Wiki

I appreciate the offer, but I have a policy against using volunteer work since this will be a product for sale. There is so much dialogue that asking someone to do a translation for free would feel unethical. If I ever do have the funds to hire translators, I'll definitely put a call out, though!

Kind of depends what you're most looking for. The most similar VN to this one is probably Coming Out on Top, which inspired my game. Straight?! is a more introspective game set in college, and it has a lot of fans. On my Itch page there is a "Related Games" link on the top right that'll get Itch to show you more that are similar!

Thank you so much - I'm glad you found it, too 🙂

Both Riley & Evan are romanceable 🙂

No, it'll be posted on here for free after early access on Patreon. The full update is not finished yet, what's on Patreon now is basically a sneak peek at finished Matt, Evan, Owen, & Julian content for higher level patrons.

Some of what Griffin says is accurate, some is something he misinterpreted. I don't think anything he said was an out and out lie, but he does like to stir up trouble sometimes, so...

I rely on email notifications since I don't come to Itch regularly, so I do miss comments if one of their emails doesn't reach me. I usually find them eventually, like the comment below this one and your follow-ups.

Beyond that, if I don't reply right away, it's usually because I saw the message at a time when I wasn't able to craft a response and chose to come back to it later. Some questions/comments are quicker to reply to than others.

For your follow-ups - While I appreciate the idea, I won't be coding Wes as possibly trans via something like chest tattoos because he has a penis but does not have a backstory that would allow him to have had bottom surgery before coming to 21CA. He's from a rural, conservative small town, which informed his reserved personality due to him feeling scared that even just showing a little bit of emotion would give away he's gay. There's no realistic way he could leave that situation, get and recover from bottom surgery, and then go to college in the span of a month. While this is a game that plays a little loose with realism, I still want to keep things grounded.

If I was never going to show Wes naked it wouldn't be an issue, but I have and I will, and as noted in my prior response, I don't want to mislead anyone. It seems very queerbait-y to even vaguely hint at him being trans while knowing he will never be presented as such. I hope that reasoning makes sense.

As for Griffin's comments about Riley, his interpretations of what people say aren't necessarily always accurate...

Do you mean have sex as in full penetration? You can in the Grind'm scenario and you will be able to the next time you have sex in the story. If you just mean sexual situations in general, there are several in the game with Marco, Leo, Griffin, Alex, and Mafia & NC17 as options.

I don't currently know when the next story update will come out, but I'll post on here when I do know.

Honestly, same - every guy becomes my favorite when I write their scenes, so I'm swapping favs all the time. One of the reasons I found a way to name saves was so players could keep track of saves for different storylines if they want to follow more than one!

No, he's not trans. I've already depicted him as a cis man in Patreon galleries and he will likely have a Grind'm hookup showing the same, otherwise I wouldn't state it so definitively and leave it to the reader to decide.