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Solving wizardly puzzles is cool! I'm obviously no wizard, so I couldn't figure it out lol. I got one chest unlocked and that was about it. The light mirror puzzle was fantastic though, what a great puzzle that works really well in VR! The magnifying glass of course was genius but that light puzzle is really what did it for me.

Not sure what the physics setting for the rig was, but it was very "wobbly" I have pretty solid VR legs but after a while even that one had me take off my headset for a breather. The hand on the base of the mirror for the mirror puzzle was also very hard to get the mirrors to turn. I often had my hand in weird positions just trying to get the mirror to spin. But once it did spin! So satisfying! Your team did great work!


Hey, thanks. The rotation bug is fixed in the latest build. Feel free to try it out again. For the wobbly-ness I'd love to test with you what works best. The current settings are fine for me, but I want to make sure they work for everyone! Message me on discord if you are interested in helping out :) sil3nt#5161