There's an endless mode called The Cyber Grind in the Early Access version that's on Steam
so the chances of you seeing this are little to none, however i despise twitter with every fibre of my being and refuse to use it, even to contact you...
I am a huge fan of your game and especially your music. i've been trying to find a way to contact you for a little over a year now (excluding twitter lol) because i wanted to ask you something
I play a rhythm game called ADOFAI (A Dance Of Fire And Ice) and i want to use your music from the Ultra-kill OST to make a steam workshop level, however in order to not be banned from the workshop for use of copyrighted music, i need the artists written permission in order to use it...
Also, do you have an easier way i can reach out to you (by e mail or discord or something?) it literally took me longer to contact you than it did to get toby fox, and thats saying something.