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Super good art (loved the initial cutscene), and great music! Gameplay simple, but extremely solid! My only suggestion is that in rhythm games usually if you hit a button when you should not, you get a penalty. I would add that if you press the button and hit no rocks, you lose points. Now, if you spam buttons like crazy, you can get a perfect score :D

Anyway, nice job really!

(1 edit) (+1)

ty for your comment. When you hit a ball score multplier increases. When you miss it becomes equal to one again. So you can't get a perfect score, if you spam buttons.

oh good,did not notice it! Nice!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much! Yep, because it's a jam game, it's quite simple, but maybe we'll develop it into smth. more complicated some day)) Special thanks for appreciating the art ^_^