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i have something you can try compiling, to demonstrate the ability to create executable files for pDOS.

it's a new builtin file, so if you already opened pDOS before you will have to reset the filesystem. do this by typing "rm -r /", refreshing the page, and typing "y" when it asks you if you want to reset. if you don't get this prompt then you'll have to delete the indexedDB database using the developer tools.

anyway when you do "ls /home" you'll see that there is a file named "hello.wat". write "dnload hello.wat", then go to the site wat2wasm demo ( once you are there, delete everything in the WAT section and then drag the "hello.wat" you downloaded, from your computer to the section. then press the "Download" button, and then drag the newly downloaded "hello.wasm" into the pDOS terminal. then finally, write "hello.wasm", and "Hello, world!" should appear on your screen.

i know that seems overly complicated, but when i finally manage to port wabt into pDOS, it'll be builtin and all you'll have to type is

wat2wasm hello.wat hello.wasm
