honestly the intro goes by too long and kinda "taints" the game,
because at first i was like "what?, is this supossed to be a topdown shooter or what?" then i was incredibly confused when one of the dudes i missed pinned me to the wall and was expecting to restart
then it just throws me into self-deprecating blindness with a fun and intresting concept
the whole intro ordeal reminds me of when valve was making half-life 2,
in half life 2 there's this part where a bunch of civil protection corner you inside of a building, then beat you with stun sticks before alyx vance shows up and saves you
the playtesters when they part were confused and tought they died and were supossed to avoid the civil protection somehow because the screen looked too similar to dying
so valve just made the screen flash white when you got "killed" by them
it dosen't help that your game's cover is the intro part, so potential players may think that's the actual game