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A member registered Feb 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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simple puzzle game with nothing wrong, altough i lost the level 1 and still got allowed to continue for some reason

the MC is kind of an asshole tbh, he could have told everyone or something before using apply_central_impulse()

anyways the concept is perfectly done

intresting concept executed well, i agree with what the other person said about being able to use the infected as the numbers

yeah the concept is nice, but the fact that there's only one wave is kinda lame,

wish you had time to make another wave spawn after you clear one

if they were really freeing space it would have been bombed for DEMOCRACY-

i understand what you're going for and think it's intresting but i don't like the slippery controls, it feels like too much

that's it

the idea is fun, but the controls feel too wacky, altough it's probably a skill issue given that i don't play car games and should not be trusted with a car

somethign something the experience of owning a low end android phone that ran out of space every 5 seconds
yeah it's nothing really offensive execpt the trashcan hitbox

the song was good, but you forgot to make it loop :(

the mechanics are fun as having to step on the windows puts you on your toes because you're gonna have to run towards them constantly and avoid the enemies before they get out of hand,

the enemies spawning out of thin air is kinda lame since they can spawn incredibly close to you (which is fine for 3 hours), putting a little spawn animation before they become active would be good if you don't wanna spawn them offscreen, overall this has potential

anyways the antivirus you play as in this game is kinda trash, malwarebytes would have cleared this virus 0 diff

i know it's 3 hours but 

i'd like to have like a "hot-cold" way of checking if near for a star, because as what you said there is a .4% chance of finding the star, the combat is fine as it is and only real thing it could have improved is having the enemies flash when hit, overall it's fun but gets boring quick after you realize "oh god why is it so low, and why are there no indicators??"

also sound can't propagate in the vacumm of space so they didn't have to use a device to stop sound. which is kinda physically inaccurate 0/10

was a fun "wow this is fun puzzle to do when bored once"

only real issues i had is that for some reason my mouse the object randomly, also the fact you need to hit the black to make precise turns (which you really don't want most of the time unlees you touched it accidentally, but maybe that's because i fucked it up by playing M-1000 scout in deep rock galactic

yeah, i know

i mentioned that the scoring was broken

The rule for the done button is that it no box should touch a "kill trigger" on the bigger container,

If you mean clicking it and still being counted with death I think I may have forgotten to stop some timers them?, pretty sure I did but I'll check it later 

we should do this in real life 10/10 GOTY
anyways the artstyle of the main sprites reminded me of antonblast

altough i feel like being able to click the meteors distracted a bit from the billionares but i was being the stupid:tm:

also billionares should cost less meter because i wanna send more of them into space at once

wdym "more" devtime?

anyways the player is too slow, to the point where getting from the shop to the tree is a chore, plus i found a bug where if the birds grab a turret you're using and take it away you're basically locked forever + this also happens if you fall off + ratio

anyways i respect the courage of making your main mechanic STACKING physics objects without a killplane or something

damm that time was closeeee

the game itself is simple but really fun for what it is

i don't know if getting bounced around when enemies hit you is intentional but it's funny so it's good

honestly i tought it was kinda lame until i realized that you can reangle the lazers,

the graphics and audio are top-notch

how could i try to fix the SFX overload?, i tried having less enemies but then the game becomes way too easy

it dosen't really add too many things but the captcha artstyle was charming

yeah this is good, the only issue i hve is that it get's boring after playing for a while but snake in general does that for me so it's allright i guess

the ending was funny, my main issue is that i can't see the logs with the darkness so you just gotta run until you see something and by that point the campfire is already over


the only issues that i had were minor screen crunch

interact being the same as shoot meaning i had to read the "take his laser away" log again when i wanted to exit,

the controls being kind of weird (i got used to them)

also a minor technical issue of the window being TINY on my 1080p display but i forced it to fullscreen with ALT+Enter

this game has the jankiest jump i have ever experienced in any game

i could understand going for a castlevania/la mulana styled fixed arc becuase at the very least those let you have a bit of control on your arc,

i'm kinda giving you the benefit of the doubt if this was intentional or not because it's really weird that you have to release directional input before jumping and pressing it midair to have a smidge of control

feels nice, altough the earlygame drone escorts were kinda eh, also the area at the right at the start sticks out like a sore thumb because it actually has assets, but it isn't finished so who cares

also the hook feels kinda wack before you get used to it, if it was me i would make it replenish your jumps

incredibly polished and nice looking,

altough i got stuck after unlocking the dash, i even found a sequence break 

(i didn't progress because idk if i really should, where in some sloped room in the forest you can position yourself just right to throw a spear and dash towards it), it lets you bypass a lock

i liked the swap mechanic, despite having screwed myself by accidentally finding a debug item, i would really like to see the concept expanded, but upon killing this boss the game spawned a huge amount amount of "gibs?" and froze the game, oops, all gibs

the graphics look cool but they're kind of inconsistent,

also the sensitivity is too damm high, altough the enemies seem to be designed around that by the most part, 

also i got softlocked becuase i pressed Q before exiting the remote bomb unlock prompt

the concept is simillar to another game in MV14 but it's still cool and i felt more of "oh yeah this is where you're supossed to go" than that one, altough i got stuck after returning from the puzzle rooms after the double jump

what do you mean play it without the joypad stick?, you can rebind it it just uses the dpad for defaut due to them being better for 2D games

also what boss dosen't have an AI? is this about them picking random attacks to use?

you can kinda sequence break in this room if you look left and move right and up

the room

my mayor problem with the game is that it isn't really clear when you get an upgrade, because the first one (the one that lets you walk through walls) felt like the game telling me a secret technique you could always do, aka like the magic inputs in SOTN, it wasn't until the throwable suns that i realized "oh shit this actually has ability gating", showing a screen when you collect a new skill like in super metroid could help a lot

also i wouldn't recommend putting music on your menu because it kinda sets the expectation that there will be music and that kinda dissapointed me, reminds me of the fact that toby fox made the undertale player sprite purposefully bad in order to lower expectations

if anyone here read that discord message and is here to datamine the game to find that one room you are STINKY and should go take a BATH >:(

actually was either planning to use godot, or because fuck it we ball a simple """custom engine""", probably using godot because i've been using it for the last 3 years

actually remaking becuase the source code is bad and causes me pain, probably gonna use love2D or godot for the remake

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truly one of the games ever made

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maxie do be the real MVP

dude got the simon belmont walk :skull:

the idea of destroying enemies like that reminds me of something, but i can't remember (it was probably stealing in curse of darkness)

 it looks nice,

dunno if this is a bug but you can select things not-discovered in the crafting menu and you can only make 3 moves unless you reset

also you can actually craft without having the materials, it returns nothing and actually consumes them anyways if one of them is actually owned

weird i was able to do a really small double jump, then for some reason l couldn't 

intresing game, has a lot of potential to continue, for example adding multiple weapon types 

alas-like metroid while also expanding the map to make the server hidden deeper into the base or leaving it on the same place as always but blocking it with endgame gating,
also for some reason my screen turned red when killing the 2th terraria wall of flesh looking thing, it went away on fullscreen but kept existing on non-fullscreen until it randomly didn't happen anymore

the bug? in question

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just realized that was also the case in my mv14 entry

i forgot to mention in the credits that metamast actually was the one who made the initial map layout
EDIT: misread as being the first one where you go left

short and enjoyable, the movement feels nice (tough the acrobatics feel tacked on)