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Idk why but I can't play This anymore ಥ‿ಥ when I open it, It just Stays loading I waited for 10 minutes and and later 30 

I gave up. It was nice playing this(here's the brand of my phone currently" Redmi 9C " hope I buy a new phone soon)

I'm interested in the root cause of this delay.

Do you think you can post your file SD:/Android/data/com.andrealphusgames.loveandsexsecondbase/Log.txt


(1 edit)

EDIT: I fixed the issue with the help of a friend  of mine

The problem was The device recent update,

It resulted to a slight file corruption/error(which got solve a week before it got updated) it affected not only this but thankfully Nothing's wrong anymore 

It runs smoothly now

EDIT2: I forgot That when I first opened the game it showed file error But I manage to fix it (just pressing callback) it never happened again :> all is well( ꈍᴗꈍ)