Thank you for the comment, it's a really well thoughout piece of feedback that I value quite highly. So thank you for taking the time. I totally see your point about robbing players of their agency. It's one of those comments that, once you read it, you re-read your own adventure and go: Why did I design it like this?
I considered fleshing Mörkshire out for a further adventure/mini-setting, it's heavily inspired by Darkshire (WoW) but in a Mörk Borg-way. Hence the name. :)
Thank you for the comment on the Wendigo, I TOTALLY see your point about the icy breeze. Once the rating is done and over I will go in and amend based on your comments, this feedback is just so golden, as this is my first adventure and I've only been doing TTRPGs since 2021 I really need experienced people helping me out, so once again:
(It looks like you commented twice, so I just removed your other comment. It was a duplicate.)