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I hate this. Everything about it, which is exactly what it should inspire, so great job!

It feels a little weird to pull modern titles into the fantasy space of Mork Borg, but this really does succeed at plumbing the depths of depravity that we face in our real society, so even though reading it at first bothered me, I don't know if I can really say I would change it.

From a mechanical perspective, I think minimal stat blocks and some insight into the kinds of gadgets these guys are weilding would make it much easier to run.

Like a lot of the entries for this jam, I think the one page constraint probably is at the root of these missing details.

I noticed more grammatical problems in this entry. I think giving your work a more critical eye during the editorial stage would go a long way. This might mean running it through grammar software, or reading it out loud to yourself(seriously this technique feels awkward, but damn if it doesn't work), or if this is something you struggle with maybe having someone else you trust look at it.