I like the concept, but the actual controls were a little frustrating. I realize you are trying to tell me what to press in the top corner, but something about it was just incredibly difficult to figure out. I had immediately assumed that the button shown on the right would make me go right, the button shown on the top would make me jump, and the button shown on the left would make me go left, but this was clearly not the case. Whenever I thought I had the button associated with the movement down, I found I was mistaken, and it almost felt like sometimes it would lie to me, though I'm sure I must be missing something. Also with it in the top right I felt like I had to constantly focus on that instead of on the game. Maybe consider overlaying the controls on the character so our focus is always there instead.
All in all I would like to see a version of this game that is more fleshed out, as I do like the concept.