While 4e is not my usual cup of tea RpG style, I have to say that you are doing a very fine job. It feels there's lot of study behind, the whole mechanic part seems pretty balanced and usable at the table. So, kudos from me!
I hope you'll keep polish it , and that you'll find a good artist to obtain a wonderful complete work.
PS: just a couple of personal preferences:
- I'd change the STR and DEX stat names, to differentiate them more from D&D and other similar products, 'cause those stats are more encompassing. Maybe Power, Might or Energy instead of SRT, and maybe Agility or Deftness instead of DEX.
- about Enemy stat blocks, I prefer the whole set for the single Tier put "together". Maybe you can differentiate more with three colors associated to the tiers (cyan/green/yellow?) instead of T1 T2 T3. Ie:
[T1: 2 2 1 1] [T2: 3 3 2 1] [T3: 4 4 2 2]