10. I never tried that myself, thanks for the bug
11. Fair point, maybe probes built in other superclusters should have a discount that is proportional to the distance between it and the home supercluster
12. and 13. will be addressed in the next update
I don't think the 11 solution would work, especially with something like 7999/8000 superclusters, where it would make zero sense to have a discount when instead of doing it from your home system, you literally send the probe from the other side of the universe
14. Probing superclusters after 500 superclusters takes an utterly ridiculous amount of time and is definitely bugged; 500th takes 9 days, 1000th takes 120 days.
17. You can set infinite research effect in dimensional reset upgrades to a negative number.
18. Time speed does not affect the ship travel minigame, even in a time speed = 3 universe
19. Add a way to delete universes. I triangulum probed a universe and the starting planet's size was absolutely terrible (6x6), so I am completely ignoring the universe and triangulum probing another universe. I'd like to not have the universe clutter up the discovered universe menu (this suggestion was added before my dimensional reset).
20. Upgrading a building with a low enough time requirement will freeze the building construction and make the building useless (debug console shows divide by zero error)
21: After doing a dimension reset with 0.1228 base cost multiplier, the game keeps popping up a "Are you sure?" message every time I try deleting a building (even if the building is a level 1 power plant). Happens only for the first ~20 levels
22. No scroll bar for >105 inventory slots
23. With 0.1228 base cost multiplier and 1.4 time speed: Level 2, XP: 4,447 / 16