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A member registered Aug 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello, glad you're having fun! The game will still get updates, it's just the general lack of motivation recently.

Here's the list: https://github.com/Apple0726/helixteus-3/blob/master/commands.txt

Thanks for the comment, I'll take a look at the bugs.

Yeah I'm aware of that too, will try to come up with a fix

I think planetkillers should give you enough stone for those.

Yeah I'm aware of these issues. I think the most simple way to address both of them is to have a separate UI for stars, so you don't have to click on the stars themselves. I'll see what I can do for the next update!

No, it's a bug

No, because for atom manipulators/subatomics you have many different recipes, as opposed to glass/rock plants that only have 1.

Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10-h5XazYmH8x2DqKjsDaUwrK1SF_JORF/view?usp=sharing

Okay I think I figured out the game breaking bug you mentioned. The annotation thing should be easy to fix.

As for game design, I just thought it would be cool to have a lot of galaxies and stars to choose from, and I think the bigger galaxies look kind of cool to me, even if they are super laggy and don't offer anything new. There are smaller galaxies which don't suffer from performance issues, so you don't need to generate the bigger ones to progress.
That said, I agree that the game resembles a database, I never thought about it that way! I'll have to put more thought into this. I appreciate your constructive feedback!

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1: Unfortunately this isn't very helpful because I have no idea how to reproduce it from reading your report. Well I guess I learned that the bug exists, just need to hope that I also stumble upon it

2: Most likely related to the game breaking beforehand, possibly due to bug 1

3: I wonder how I could do that, since galaxies only generate if you enter it for the first time. Maybe only show it for already generated galaxies?

4: I'll think about that, but is it really necessary to convert 100+ galaxies to progress? Cherry-picking the most efficient galaxies to progress should be the strategy, I think.

For the pickaxe issue, it's because the game uses a slightly different algorithm to spawn and process tiles if you dig 10+ tiles at once. Generating resources for one tile is computationally expensive (doing it 10 times in a row results in a lag spike) and the mass-generation algorithm tries to simplify it.

For the thrusters, do you remember what you did to make them fail?

1 and 2: I'll take a look at that. As for superweapons they aren't in the game yet, I'll probably add something to make that clear.

3: I'm still thinking about the most appropriate way to give a final goal to this game. It's pretty difficult, because of the game's infinite/incremental nature!

Problems 4 and 5 will be addressed in an upcoming battle update.

I'll take a look at that, thanks for pointing it out!

I haven't checked the greenhouse bug, but planetkillers should be fine now, unless you still experience weird behavior in v0.27.4. Switching universes should also be fine, as long as you don't already break the game with some other bug (greenhouses?)

Hmm that's a very weird issue, most likely caused by the initial bug where you were able to go inside a gigastructure. I'll take a look at that!

Thanks for the bug report! I'll take a look at it.

Looks like I still haven't properly fixed this yet..

Ship abilities/superweapons aren't implemented yet, but thanks for the other bug reports!

I figured out the ships getting stuck bug, but otherwise you seem to be at a point in the game where I haven't done much testing, it seems like really high numbers kinda mess up the game..

Yeah.. I guess I'll have to do something about that. I'm perfectly aware that extremely high DM (or pretty much any other property) would break the game, but I decided to leave most things uncapped for now.

Yep I also have these ideas in mind, it's a question of when I'll be implementing them! (though I guess I'll slide the "+1" suggestion into the next minor update as it's very useful with very little programming effort)

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1. Yeah I agree, I'll need to tone down their spawn rate, especially space elevators. I'm still thinking about the possibility of dismantling megastructures. I guess it doesn't hurt to add the option and not force the player to explore more after seeing an undesirable megastructure.

2. Normally I addressed this bug in v0.26.1, is it still not working?

3. Yeah definitely. Though I think upgrading ancient structures should at least be gated by dimension stuff. The ancient shipyard as you described definitely isn't working as intended, do you remember how you sent the ships? (standard drive, plutonium drive...)

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You can export your save (hopefully that's still possible) in the main menu and upload it somewhere (Google drive, Dropbox etc.) and I'll take a look! (and try to fix it)

Ah yeah, right now the game unlocks solar panels after your first manual battle, but I'll also have to make them unlock via conquer all/fighters too.

I think a way to convert an entire galaxy into stone, materials and metals (a "galaxy-killer") would make the most sense, I'll add that in the next update. I'm not sure about being able to buy stone with money. As it is right now, it makes things a little more interesting in my opinion.

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I'm not sure if it will be called "terastructures" (it doesn't sound very good lol), but I will probably introduce these structures too at some point.

Yeah I agree the gigastructures are kind of broken late-game, I'm still working on the formulas as they're relatively new.

Yep I've heard of that bug multiple times, though I myself never reached that stage yet from normal playing, I'll see what I can do!

You can buy them by clicking on the cellulose icon in your inventory, but it's true that there should be better ways of obtaining it passively in the game.

Must be a new bug, my planetkillers seem to work fine, maybe it's related to the previous bug

Thanks for the report, I think someone else got that same bug too. I'll really have to fix this bug somehow

Thanks for the report, I'll take a look at it

I think it's because I made some balancing changes to how much the initially hidden "Physics" contributes to the OP-meter. After the change, the default values that were previously okay were not anymore, which disables the "Generate starting universe" button.

I changed it so the game doesn't take into account anything that is hidden (the fixed version should be live now, no version number change). Hopefully the fix works!

Oh okay, I think I know what's going on, I'll try to fix it ASAP


Oh I think I see how you got there, you probably started mining before placing any buildings (or less than 5 mineral extractors). I guess I'll have power plants (those that generate energy without costing any) unlocked right at the start.

Normally power plants don't cost any energy to build.

The energy cap is new to this update, so it's very new and certainly experimental. I'm not sure about removing the cap entirely, but I agree it's kinda low right now.

It will be updated very soon with a few overhauls (no more manual collect, better farming etc.), stay tuned for that! Though this means saves will be wiped, but I hope it will be worth it.

I'll take a look at the fighter bug, though it doesn't seem like an easily reproducible bug..

I thought about it, but I'm not sure what unique gameplay moons could bring.