This was a really cool horror game that made use of the obscuring of the vision of the main character to better enhance the creepy mood and atmosphere that the game has and also matches with the storyline of the main character's vision being damaged from World War I. The idea of blurring the vision of the player helps to make players imagine the amount of gore and how horrifying their surroundings may look, making the entire experience more terrifying and interesting.
The game provides a story-rich horror experience and explores 2 stories at the same time in order for the player to progress to the amazing ending of the game. I also liked the poetry used in the game as well as the appropriate usage of music and sound effects (timing was very good) throughout the game to enhance the entire game experience.
Small issues I faced in the game was how I needed to retrace my steps back to places that I have been before to find certain items. For instance, I clicked on the papers on the second floor of the building multiple times but I wasn't able to pick them up as I didn't click on it enough or something. I had to interact with the wasps room and go back to the second floor before being able to pick it up. However, this isn't a big problem, especially if the creators already planned for the players to move around to certain locations after interacting with certain objects. I also missed the locked box with painkillers in it at the start of the game but I don't think many players would suffer from the same problem as I did.
Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.