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Glad that erectshroom effect is visible during dialogs, its hotter this way.

Anyway, here some bugs:
Some mushrooms don't have their description translated (like 食べられる or 毒), even though it should be the same with some of translated ones.

Some mushrooms have blank texture in the "sell" menu, but have normal texture in the inventory.

Btw is there a better place to leave messages about bugs? I think it's useful to let you know about them, but i don't want to scare new players or change their first impression.
Also I can't provide screenshots.

I think its good enough here. Mofu check the comments everyday.

Also Those bugs you mentiond already has been reported. So it will be fixed in the next update ^^

But thanks for the reports anyway! Enjoy the game

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Sorry for the many bugs😢 I will fix that in the next update! Also, if you find any bugs, please write them here and I will take care of them.👍