Cool stuff here! Loving the movement mechanics, keep polishing those up and you'd be well on your way to a really interesting free-running level (check out Titanfall 2's 'Effect and Cause' for a good example).
I really like the worldbuilding, art direction, and audio design as well! You all put a lot of effort into this one and it really shows. Won't get too deep into critique here, given the time restrictions and everything, but I will say that grappling hook could use a little polishing, especially if you want it to play into the wall-running. If you could lock in the game feel of those, there would be plenty of fun in those two mechanics alone!
The only other thing I'd say is that the movement SFX could use a little extra shine as well. Great sounding, varied, foley can go a long way towards improving the player's connection to the controls! Totally get that it might not be in the cards on this one, just wanted to throw that our there as well.
All in all, a really great showing from your whole team. Getting anything done for a game jam is no small feat, but delivering something with this level of polish is really exemplary. Great stuff!