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I actually didn't realize this jam had started (joined last year, liked how chill everyone was), but it works out because I started a piece yesterday that would fit right in.

I'm making an interactive fiction web game featuring one of my robot OCs getting into lewd shenanigans.  It's interesting, because he's more interested in the romantic connections than passionate desire.  Usually the lady he's with is as well, but she's going through a weird time; this is the source of the shenanigans.  The lady is my self-insert character.  Anyway, I was writing some of the branching choices today.  Tomorrow, the first of the SCENES.  The first SCENE is a more traditional SCENE.  The second one is the shenanigans.  Gotta have some attempt at normalcy before going full weird.  

My goal is actually to get it made by and submitted on Valentines Day, so this will be interesting.  Also because I have a visual novel I need to finish AND I'm going to attempt to make a card game AND I'm working full-time.  I want to make this game, but I don't have too much time to dedicate to it?  So a week-long shipfic with some minor branching choices seems like a good, fun challenge.

No pictures because I don't want to spoil who the robot OC is on the off chance that anyone here is familiar with all my robot OCs, because that would spoil the surprise.

The Man, the Alien, and the AI was probably my favorite story-focused game in last year's jam so I'm definitely interested to see more. It's a shame that you've only got a week this time. A smaller, SCENE focused game does sound like a good way to make the most of it!