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I think every person who create something thinks that their work is good enough to be honest and it is ok. Especially when you can see other people do something nice as well. In reality there in most of stuff there is so much different combinations that there will always be someone who do it in completely different way you do and it is ok. It gives you opportunity to learn and copy and mix it with your own ways and make new one. It doesn't sound arrogant at all my friend don't worry. One of the most important things in life is to allow yourself to make mistakes because this is how we learn. I hate how some people who teach are expecting other to do everything perfectly for get go... make mistake and after analyze it and do it again and in no time you will be better. To be honest i think that talent made huge difference in past but now in information age when you can find everything in the internet from your home and people share their knowledge for free there is no limitation as long as you work everyday and learn from as much people as possible. 

I know that for you your work may not look amazing but it is amazing and you can't change it xD is this some style that has name or something? because i'm currently learning to code and would like to start learning haw to draw on pc like this and i'm so green xD i completely don't know anything xD 

Well keep on good work my brother. I can't wait for more of your work. Maybe when i learn how to code i will help you a little :D

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It's always good to understand more of others' different opinions.

For digital drawing, people don't particularly name a drawing style to my knowledge. If you are interested, maybe just start with your favorite artist's work or something like Japanese/celluloid anime style. And in general, you need a drawing tablet. Good luck on your journey!
