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A member registered Sep 24, 2021

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Just ended it. Amazing game. Most stuff work perfectly. Amazing graphic and drawings. No lagging. Characters are written just simply perfectly. The way they look matches their  personality (they do have personality which is rare).

The only bug? that i encountered is when i check hint and it says friday evening talk with i.e. chloey in living room then after i finish it is midnight saturday (a day jump). 

I got the demo and after playing it have few issues.

1. The game window is bigger then my monitor. Goes beyond my screen, the exit mark is half visible.

2. Can't go switch off pc, like there is no exit button so i have to go straight to main menu.

3. After using pc i can't interact with anything anymore and have to exit the game and start it again.

That's it so far. Can't wait for next update. Already like it.

I know. i said that it felt like it and it was funny.

The way you wrote it looked like you are mofu and you like to speak in 3rd person about yourself xD

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People should be able to play the way they want, so mini map should be optional. People will choose if they want or don't. I see there are some people who think that there is only one proper way to play the game (their way :v) and try to force others to play it this way. Next time someone will say that easy or normal mode should be removed as well because true player only play super hardcore mode in which when you die you get gangraped by bunch of guys...

Will there be more?

How many pictures there should be in the gallery right now? i have 11 which means only 2 new ones.

Take your time and release it when your done... don't try to make estimate because it will just stress you out.

Do they have patreon? 

Sooooo... any news about the update?

Can't wait :d

My point was that if you're not 100% sure just say it will be somewhere this and that month and take as much time as you need. If you say exact date people get hyped and you get stressed.

Maybe when Annie is fucked by enemy she got pregnant and didn't know so she took it home or something? and that's how she was forced to make an basement laboratory or something.


Great, i can't wait for next big update but please don't rush :)

Thank you very much 

Yes i am. That's why i never give exact date xD i like the idea of this game and can't wait to see how it will look after update 

Thanks for info

I think every person who create something thinks that their work is good enough to be honest and it is ok. Especially when you can see other people do something nice as well. In reality there in most of stuff there is so much different combinations that there will always be someone who do it in completely different way you do and it is ok. It gives you opportunity to learn and copy and mix it with your own ways and make new one. It doesn't sound arrogant at all my friend don't worry. One of the most important things in life is to allow yourself to make mistakes because this is how we learn. I hate how some people who teach are expecting other to do everything perfectly for get go... make mistake and after analyze it and do it again and in no time you will be better. To be honest i think that talent made huge difference in past but now in information age when you can find everything in the internet from your home and people share their knowledge for free there is no limitation as long as you work everyday and learn from as much people as possible. 

I know that for you your work may not look amazing but it is amazing and you can't change it xD is this some style that has name or something? because i'm currently learning to code and would like to start learning haw to draw on pc like this and i'm so green xD i completely don't know anything xD 

Well keep on good work my brother. I can't wait for more of your work. Maybe when i learn how to code i will help you a little :D

Did you draw it yourself? it looks amazing... how can i draw like this? xD 

Yeah i got it in my room many times xd did multiple playthrough. Just wanted to be sure xD

So is christmas event included in later updates or do i have to play exact version with it?

You mean the events where she is arguing twice with this other guy then you got the job at restaurant and that's all for this version? or there is more?

Also i forgot; can we put main map in "m" button? so i don't have to go to pause and then map?

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So far i know that there are different conversations depending on Hailey's looks (naked), when Hailey's got fucked and when Annie got fucked.

I probably won't but it would be nice to make a game myself one day ,  sometimes i got so many ideas xD need to find some good tutorials.

But honestly your art and animations are really good and one of the best i saw so far.  Most of adult games have some shitty 3d or sloppy drawing (like all the cultured parts are meh, like nipples) made by someone who clearly don't care. Keep going, i can't wait to see more of your creations.

Any other changes to the version that you just uploaded? 

Any chances for Annie to get pregnant with monster? (you can put like a limit so she doesn't make them endlessly xD)

Did she really dislike it though? :D i mean maybe she complained about cleaning but still enjoyed it. Maybe with time she will like it?

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Hello my brother, i just finished the rebuild version for pc and i really enjoyed it. I can already see that you have made some fixing compared to android version that i played few days ago.

What i like:

- The "wind" animation that make hidden places easier to find

- New art pictures 

- The fact that when i complete some challenge or get new pic it informs me about it 

- new challenges and their names

- that teleport is on "1" and i can use it on laptop 

- Vases

- Teleport animation

- Different masturbation animations for different clothing

- probably more but i forgot xD


- There is a typo on level 3 (spider level) when Hailey talk with Annie.

- When i was fighting with skeleton and swing my pickaxe very fast the sound of swinging stayed there. I mean it stayed in this exact spot and you could walk away from it. Didn't happen after so no big issue there.

- I played with headphones and with music of so i could here this strange background noise with moving sound. No big problem as well.

I didn't found anything else and it was nice smooth  gameplay.


- Some counter to know how many hidden stuff i miss. Something general without telling where nd which level exactly.

- Ability to change the keyboard binding.

- Maybe some nice action with Annie and Hailey together with monsters? :)

- More conversation with Annie. Annie mentioning Hailey's gangbang with monsters or that she recorded everything with drone and she can watch it at home if she wants xD

- Instead of buying clothes for Hailey in menu we can use the tent for it? anyway more clothes for her? even if it's just cosmetic one?

These are just some loose ideas so no pressure my brother :) 

You should make patreon or something for yourself i bet some people would support you. I would not mind to support you as well even if it would not be a lot but still xD

Will tomb explorer skin be unlocked in demo version? (i have pay version but you put rebuild on demo for now) 

I really like the art style and the characters. Did you draw it yourself? mind telling me what tools you use? i'm currently learning to code myself and i'm thinking about learning to draw so maybe one day i would be able to do some stuff like this as well xD

You should increase the price to 5 dollars or something. This game and your hard work is worth it. 

You're doing God's work my brother. Keep going.

Actually i do.

What the point in releasing date when you're not sure if you gonna make it :v

I don't mind to look for it without hints, it is fun... but if i'm clicking to much game get laggy xD it would be nice to have something t spend it on as well.

I have pretty good laptop but if a click to many times i can feel like lagging xD i hope this will be fixed later because i like the idea of hidden stuff that i have to find xd

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I really enjoy the game and can't wait for next update but have some questions:

1. Is next update fix the lagging? 64x version is unplayable but 32x is much better but still little drop in fps here and there.

2. Is sex scene with this girl from park that is a cover picture for game on actually in game right now or not yet?

3. Will there be a gallery were all cultured scenes will be saved so we can see them when we want? like different decisions give us different scenes so it would be nice to have them later unlocked somewhere and it would be also nice to know how many there are so i know if i unlocked everything :d

4. Is there a difference between game here and one in patreon? like extra content or something? (i'm planning to got it on patreon anyway) 

I really love the the way characters are made, they look very natural and sexy. One of the best animation i saw in long time. I hope there will be more.

The story is nice as well, especially those flashbacks from his previous life. It's like a criminal story xD 

Also i forgot that achievements didn't work at all on android but you probably know it.

You all are doing God's job. Can't wait for next update :v

Thank mate for letting me know it is a known stuff :v i'm not complaining just giving feedback because i love the game. 

What kind of buff Annie clothes gives?

Thank you for your reply. Now i know what is going on.

I installed the demo version on my phone (huawei p30 pro) and most of the stuff worked perfectly but i got few bug or so i think they are bugs. I don't know if this place is good to post about it so forgive me if it is not.

1. I had unlimited amount of burgers; so i started with 3 and every time i click on them the number increases, like it was 3, click, now it is 6 and so on.

2. The different clothes that i could but for Annie were disappearing and resetting to her first outfit every time i went to next or previous level.

3. The map does not shows my position. The icon i frozen in one place.

I don't think it is a bug but when i go to menu shop for new outfit for mc it would be nice to know how much it cost in crystal but it is nothing super important.

I really enjoyed this build. I love the way mc can masturbate and that there is different animation for different outfits. I also love that Annie can be fucked and the conversations later and overall the conversations that change depending on the map and state that mc is or what happened to her or Annie. The sound Annie and mc make when they are fucked are amazing, especially when they are fucked and the same time together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Can't wait for next update ( i will also try pc version for this update). Keep doing good work my brother.

Thank, that good to know for future

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The android build is released as a demo section? not in paid section? i want to try i play it on my phone but i'm bit confused my friend... does demo 04.2 contain everything you rebuilded so far?

I read some comments and does rebuild comes on android first and later on pc? or only android and when you finish you port it on pc?

I'm not doubting it my friend :d can't wait for it

I bought it without account, made one later and forgot to link the game with it :v