Here is my ideas for cool things to add to the game as you said you were neglecting gameplay -
. A practice mode where you can fly around delivering packages to countries so there could learn the map but it shows country names and maybe cities
. Then an option to go into the regular mode that you have already created to use what they have learned from the practice mode
. A timed mode where you get given a place to deliver a package and depending on what time you do it in and how close you get it you get bronze, silver or gold and if it takes you too long you fail
. A cool cartoony menu as I really like the style you have created for the game
. I like the idea that the clouds would slow you down a bit so there would be something too slow you down in the timed mode but it wouldn't really make sense in the other modes
. More obstacles in some of the modes like other planes but not in the timed one because to point of that would be to see how fast you can remember where a place is and get there
. Showing famous landmarks around the map to make it easier for newcomers to geography and as a way to remember places
. Some sort of stats tracker (not exactly sure what it would track but it would show your improvement which would motivate you
. Seems like a small game so I don't know if loading screens would be needed but maybe loading screen tips that would tell you facts about places that could maybe help people find stuff
. Maybe a hard mode where borders are taken away along with landmarks for people who want to fully test their skills
. This game on steam with all of these features and hopefully more, I've seen some other really cool suggestions in the comments (I would easily spend money on this game like it was triple A so please make that happen)
. Customisation options, but not ones you have to unlock. From previous experience having to unlock things makes me burned out because when i have them all I feel like I have no reason to play. However, games without unlocks give you a constant reason to play, getting better at the game
I've seen lots of people suggest that you just fly around with the country names there to learn the countries and stuff but that isn't really fun, that's just looking at google maps but having to press more buttons so I came up with these ideas. I love coming up to creative ways to solve problems in game design without outright telling the player what to do (not saying I'm good at it) so if these were added it would make me feel happy.