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Hey! Nice submission. : ) This is a very cool concept and very unique too! I don't really recall playing anything with this mechanic. Sometimes it was a bit to slow though and a few times I was just sitting around watching it go from sad to happy to back again instead of mad so I would be able to kill the enemy. What broke it a bit for me when playing was the fact that your movement speed was not reset when switching levels. This made me loose immediately when completing a level because the next one had an enemy right beside the spawn point, and when I had to restart from level 1 I gave up sadly.

I think this is very much a buildable concept though! It's very creative!

Good work. :)

Thank you! Yeah I knew that the switching levels thing would be a big problem, but I didn't know how to fix it and I was worried something would get messed up in the build. Yeah the enemies definetly need some tweaking, their hitboxes are too big, they can be glitchy. The video below also shows me always going a certain direction before I go in a portal so if you want to use that as I guide feel free to! Also yeah it can be slow but I didn't really see a way to fix that, making the block switch faster made it difficult to play and felt too fast. I was thinking about making it just go to happy,mad,sad, but I didn't feel as "rule changing". Anyways thanks for this very insightful, and kind comment, I enjoyed reading it!