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Yes, that could be a good summary of what I've been thinking for a long time, that's why I've decided not to delay the "new" intro any longer. Obviously, it can't please 100% of people but my intention this time is to make it more dynamic and definitive. Also, there are parts where it is "quite a lot" of text because I have to explain things in the story. Currently, as it is, the intro can't be more summarized (obviously I can make it super summarized but you won't learn anything at all about the plot/game).

There is also a summary of a few minutes with Lisapi as narrator and this summary has also been revised (has been in existence for several versions).

I've always had the feeling that until I revised the intro and the first few hours of gameplay the project wouldn't progress properly in terms of popularity so to speak, although I could be wrong.

I'm glad you gave it a chance because from here it can only get better and I like to think that v0.8.5 overall is proof of that with all the changes I've introduced.

Thanks for taking the time to reply if you find the time I had an idea I wanted to maybe run with you as you might be open to something that could not only plug your game but also benefit your fans such as myself.

(1 edit)

I am open to all kinds of ideas and improvements that do not require money 

( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)

I would appreciate it if you could tell me about any ideas in Discord in the corresponding channels or if it's something more "delicate" you can send me a DM.

Now, without knowing what you're talking about, I can tell you that I work alone and I don't collaborate with other devs and it's not in my plans, I've never found much sense in that. I can't imagine HH doing a collaboration with MM.

Honestly it isn't all that delicate I was just going to suggest a great way to get people to not only listen about your game and maybe even learn something would be to talk on a podcast I was thinking on trying to start one regarding programming and the difficulties one might face starting off if you spoke on said podcast you could plug your game and give your input 

It sounds like a good idea and it seems interesting but there are two small details in my case: 

I haven't had a microphone for a year now. The one I had broke and as I have no reason to use a microphone I don't buy a new one.

English is my third language and I haven't said a single sentence in English (voice) for more than 15 years + I find it very difficult to understand spoken English and to follow a fluent conversation.

If it were something in Spanish it would be obvious that it would be easy to communicate but it is not the case. If everything were written it would also be easy but that is not the case so I see it as very complicated.

I thank you for the offer and appreciate your intentions but it's unlikely to happen, unfortunately.

Wow you are on another level I have difficulty speaking my own language and here you are managing 3 the only thing I could suggest with that being the case is to still plug your game and coding knowledge though a blog  or something as I really enjoy your thoughts and think others would as well.