Enjoy that break and get yourself many cookies you deserve them! The remaster was amazing and though I read about them I still felt shocked to see old scenes animated. Keep up the amazing work I will wait with antici.....pation.
Zealot Of Malice
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I am happy to see you celebrate 5 years of writing and coding your novels. I would like to say I am deeply sorry that there is someone basically holding your items hostage because they don't like what is portrayed. I don't know if it is possible but would you consider suing the police for withholding your property on the grounds of the pain and problems this has continued to cause you as the time frame for them to hold them should have been up as well as having been on the grounds of that jack ass in Thailand. either way I plan on sending a little money each month once I have my business up and running as you have been one of my favorite authors on the site.
If Patreon decides to continue to be a problem you could always create a Subscribestar page and let us here on Itch.io as well as your discord know Im sure we would be able to get it switched for you that way you can still get paid for all the awesome work you do.
Please keep resting as I had that happen twice and getting knocked out from covid can be problematic even longer term than I anticipated.
I really try to sit back and look at the overall picture that you have been making over the years with your last two works, I wish I had tried to say this sooner but I think all 3 have been amazing so far and down the road with everything you have been learning I think it would be cool to oneday get a remaster of Tale of Eden as though I enjoyed it I think with everything you have learned it could become so much more. Mist had an awesome plot and great characters and I still feel the same with Morn keep up the amazing work.
Keep up on the awesome work Rooster don't sweat it when the game isn't ready for the next update as life should come first. congratulations on your marriage and though it may seem odd let me give you one piece of advice as the end of October will mark my 6th anniversary. Don't go to bed angry if you have a disagreement talk about it before you go to sleep as you don't know what tomorrow brings, and always say I love you before going to sleep you have no clue how much it could mean on a really bad day.
While i have to agree with the idea HS2 render abilities sucks i just figured i would make a suggestion that would seem a little less stressful in the way of not knowing what will work. Having a render done in different styles might be what gives us an idea as to what would look good, as if using HS1 renders well but might might be struggling to make further older version of said characters HS2 might fix that. However as you said rendering sucks and pvc skin syndrome. DAZ i am unsure of as the render we had seen of Sandra on the Discord looks good, but in a way feels off as it is not what we are familiar with. I as a fan am both excited to see the sequel but, I also dont want the artist to fret over the state it will be in as no matter what it is supposed to be a novel in which it is his story to tell and an amazing story it has been.
Ps. Sycopter do you know which program has been being used for My New Memories?
I would make a suggestion to you if you find time to do so , make a render of each major character we have seen thus far and try to do a sample from each that was you get a feel for HS2 and Daz. Once finished you could post a poll on your patreon to get your subscribers to give their input as away to help you test the waters. I would love for the art to remain the same mostly, but I know trying to render people as being older while note really being all that much older I can imagine being hard to do .
Killer another great story as I had anticipated I will be trying to support on patreon when able as I really can't wait till this keeps chugging along, as I really can't get enough of the story. Every scene has been captivating again thank you for putting so much time in making enjoyable stories to read.
No I have a tendency to when one of my favorite visual novels updates I will take the time and play from the beginning just so they way of there wasa change or if my memory was bad I can make sure it was a full experience. I usually only will play for about an hour or so a day but I think if I remember right I got it done in like 3 day total hoping to take a course and play my own hand at trying to make a story as captivating as Stonk
Stronk its good to see you back still loving the story overall but I had a bit of a question I finished 0.9 and wanted to use the gallery it has me put in my name as it does but it crashes after clicking on a person whose gallery I wanted to view doesn't matter the person just crash any ideas on how to fix this?