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The keyboard controls are a bad idea. Otherwise this was visually appealing. Check out my review at OH AND SHOW US THE WORD AFTER THE TIME RUNS OUT!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review but unsure what you mean by "The keyboard controls are a bad idea." there where going to be mouse/touch controls but commented it out as the two control schemes where interfering with one another (picked keyboard as its far more stable).

And yes it was meant to show the word but due to a typo it does show it.... for one frame. the games made in 3 hours and had a fully custom rendering system for the LCD as well as 5537 words. i see why you hate it for that just know its fully coded in and have a build on its way to fix the problem as soon as voting ends (such a dumb error on my part).

PS: i don't know how you missed the black squares that come up when you get the word in the right positionwhen you where mashing the keyboard.

hey thats fair i did miss the black squares thing, but i still think touch controls would be greatly preferable to the keyboard controls