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A quick week 2 update on how my own game's coming along:

I got most of everything working. You can play though the whole game, complete objectives and actually reach a gameover screen. There's even a few horny scenes that are half-done. I will need to make a basic breach control system, but that's the only major element that's still missing. The greyscale sprites and bare backgrounds are probably not there to stay, I do want to give them a little more life if time permits. 

Oh, and the scroll in the bottom left? That's the button that will actually explain what all the funny icons represent.

Thanks to everyone for posting so many wonderful previews. I can't wait to try this year's batch of games!


Your progress is looking good so far, good luck with the final weeks! The scroll sounds like a useful addition indeed.


Very cool! Great idea to add a Help button UwU What's next on your journey?


Working on a simple card battle system for breaches. Whatever time I have left after that will go towards improving art and dialogue.


Oh that's a lot of work coming I see :3 You're working on the sound and musics too?


That's the one thing I can't do myself. I'm using music and sound effects from a collection. It's all in the game already.


I've built a basic but functional card battle system and deck editor this week. I also crossed the 4000 lines of code milestone today according to Code Metrics. To be fair, there are a lot of case switches because each resource works a little bit differently, so a good chunk of it repeats with slight variations. I'm going to wrap up the loose code ends tomorrow and spend the remaining time on improving the art and writing. Good luck to everyone else who is planning to work till the end and an early, well-earned congratulations to those who have published their games!