Linnea's swipe-down laser attack is complete nonsense. Also, the player shouldn't be able to reach her and Momo before going down the ladder and off the cliff, or at least, it shouldn't be so easy to accidentally skip to the hardest parts of the game before even getting healing items. Overall though, pretty good game for the genre.
I did beat Linnea after getting the glide shroom and health items, she's fair enough once you have those (except for that one attack from that one spot), and I beat Momo with Linnea's sword and using health items.
...Wait, the I-frames for the dodge last that long? There's no indication they should last that long.
...So that's the run key, I guess I confused "Dash" with "Dodge" when I glanced at the keybinds before. 'XD
I did like how the glide mushroom can help you dodge her swipe-up laser. I noticed that. : ] Also Momo's Blofeld mechanic with the cat is fun.
Switching from a weapon to a health item felt kind of clunky IMO ("What is this, Zelda from before they invented good game controls?" : P), but then again I don't game primarily on PC. Maybe if I'd been using my controller I'd have gotten the muscle memory under control better.