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(1 edit) (-1)

ok who the hell did this to bakuhoes and shark bie and the horny rooster  no cap sharky looking like material gurllll

favorite  one

(2 edits)

SHARK BOI! NO! How could you. 

I donโ€™t know where you live, but I will track you down. I will not stop until I find you, and when I do I will find everyone you ever loved or cared about. One by one I will snap their heads off right in front of you. Then Iโ€™ll leave you alive so you can suffer knowing it was all your fault.

(this was a joke. Calm thyself.)

i-i'm soooo scared...

har har.


i have a high c in math 

and my mom called me a failure last night

har har

Thatโ€™s just sad.

It really is

I folded clothes.



i got a B

mother is that you

no itโ€™s the idiot child youngest. QUEEN
