1. I never said anything about the characters in the story, I was commenting on the character customization options. Also, the max amount of shades needed to get a half-decent one for everyone would be about 10. That's really not a lot. I'm not asking for 30 different shades with all different undertones and sh*t.
2. Star Wars does not have character customization. Those are movies. This point is completely irrelevant to what I'm saying.
3. Drawing 2D people and making skin extra options (Just changing the color of their skin and nothing else about the face) does not cost hundreds/thousands of dollars. That's literally a blatant lie lol. A 3D game perhaps.
4. Very bold assumption I haven't also made the complain about other developers, have you seen every comment I've ever made in my life?
5. Black people's hair texture is limited to the black race, there are no fully white people with 4C hair and the like. Also, other dark skin races aren't relevant, and the percentage of black people whose hair grows out of their head bone straight is an extremely low percentage, and a BW would know that.
6. If the game is going to blatantly not include a single (not one) hair option that matches the natural hair of (THE VAST MAJORITY OF) an entire race, it's not inclusive. I'm not asking for a billion options, just 1 afro or something would've done the job. If the game had no character customization I wouldn't say anything, but since it does, I'm allowed to critique the clear disregard for including any hairstyles for black people who wear their natural hair (because again, the vast vast majority of black people's natural hair isn't straight/wavy, and of course, some people don't wear their hair natural but that doesn't contradict my point.) because the point of character creation is to...create yourself. So it doesn't really matter whether or not the game is based in reality.
7. Again, you have no idea what companies I've "targeted" before, why assume I haven't done that?
Enough with the irrelevant arguments and strawmen, please.