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(10 edits)

"I never said anything about the characters in the story, I was commenting on the character customization options. " Well let's get it out the way that the main character herself IS A CHARACTER IN THE STORY.  So what sort of semantics argument is this?? Anyways-...

Literally nothing I said was a strawman, perhaps you should stop trying to use buzz words you hear online without knowing how to use them. I also never assumed you did not complain to other developers, but that you direct your energy at the wrong ones. You chose to gloss over the entire point of what I was saying just because you wanted to fuss. I'm not about to re-iterate myself over and over to someone set in their ways of crying wolf. I will only say it one more time: This game does NOT have to be inclusive to Afro features because AFRICA DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS FANTASY WORLD. If you could use that thing between your ears, you would see that's the point I was making with Star Wars. Just because they offer customization that has dark skin textures does NOT mean they have to include kinky hair, because it's a fantasy setting with no Africa. You assumed also that dark skin = African, when there are tons of races with dark skin that aren't descended from Africa and thus have different features. It's arrogant to assume dark skin = African because we're not the only black and dark skinned people on this earth. And that's THE REAL WORLD, not a fantasy setting at that. Kinky hair texture is (MOSTLY) exclusive to people descending from Africa, you're arguing a point I never made. My point is the vice versa: straighter hair textures are NOT exclusive to non-black and dark-skinned people. Black people, both descended from Africa and not descended, can and DO have straight hair. And also, people of other races that have dark skin can have straight hair. (Indian people?? To name one of TONS. The dark skin tone in this game could've been Indian, so why did you assume African???)

Yeahhh no I didn't lie about the art, the more customization you add, the more the price goes up. Kickstarter shows price breakdowns all the time but this is just one example I found.

They state their breakdown of art very clearly. Costs add up with art, beyond the thousands. Just because you don't know the value of artists and don't value them does not make their value any less. Of course, you can shop around for cheaper artists if you want but the fact of the matter is is that it costs thousands to create multiple different customized characters. Again, otome kickstarters and artist commission pages are your friends as well. There are better breakdowns than this image below but the art is the majority of the pay for a lot of projects. This woman did this entire game by herself save for the art so her value is in her time of making this FREE game while doing literally everythinggg else in the game. Have you ever written for a game? Researched for a plot? Made art? Programmed a game? I have done a couple of these, and it takes a very long time for one role alone. In this instance, the artists currency was in her time. Had she gotten paid as an artist for every single art asset, she would've gotten paid a few thousand had she charged a standard rate. 

But like I said, you clearly do not care to listen to any reason; your ears are closed. There's no point saying anything more to you. Just a shame that you cry wolf without being willing to listen and so everyone rolls their eyes when real issues come up and we're really treated badly by gaming companies. You just weaken the real arguments that need to be had by getting triggered like this.

Have a good life. I proved everything I said, there's nothing else you can say that isn't just bitter arguing so what's the point? So I refuse to even comment back.  I'll just block at this point tbh and won't be receiving your notifications anymore. 

Keep crying Triggered Wolf, I guess...with the keyboard activism. Taking a stand against the bad guys! You're doing great!!!1!