Wacky little game old sport! you really went with that 1 bit aesthetic. though I never owned a Nokia, I do remember playing simple little games when I was younger, and this basically strikes that same note.
I think you did well aiming for authenticity, and the story of the game was more complex than I had expected. I thought that it was well written, and though it was longer than I would have liked, it wasn't painful to read as in some other games.
There were some points in the game that irked me. first and foremost was that there was no in-game score. in order to see your actual score, you would have to go back out to the menu. It would be easier to figure out if you had beaten the minigame if there was more on-screen visualization. I couldn't play with sound because I was in a public space, and the fact that I didn't really know when I could stop playing the game was frustrating.
But overall, pretty sweet game for your first non-jam solo release! I would let you know my scores but I forgot to screenshot them before I exited the game :, )