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A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you old sport!

Thanks for playing!

wacky game old sport! the game was a little bit frustrating in some regards, especially when my soldiers would ignore my trenches and bunkers, opting instead to stand out in the open. I would have preferred more control over where my soldiers stood. Additionally, the wave system was interesting, not exactly bad but not exactly good. I could take it at my own pace, but I would be starved for cash as well as it taking a long time. or I could mash the wave button and die. It was good because it let me take things at my own pace, but the enemies walking across the empty land could take for ever. I lost when I ran out of troop money when my fortifications were overwhelmed. All in all, not bad, I really would have liked if I coukld place units in my fortifications and learn what the price for troops and buildings were

lovely game old sports! The game really shone in every category! Art was incredibly good, gameplay was awesome, and music was top-notch. a truly awesome entry to the game jam! I managed to survive to 1:10, but this game isn't easy! I think it would be great to see the same game but with only one blackhole, due to the fact that I wasn't playing multiplayer.

Wacky little game old sport! you really went with that 1 bit aesthetic. though I never owned a Nokia, I do remember playing simple little games when I was younger, and this basically strikes that same note.

I think you did well aiming for authenticity, and the story of the game was more complex than I had expected. I thought that it was well written, and though it was longer than I would have liked, it wasn't painful to read as in some other games.

There were some points in the game that irked me. first and foremost was that there was no in-game score. in order to see your actual score, you would have to go back out to the menu. It would be easier to figure out if you had beaten the minigame if there was more on-screen visualization. I couldn't play with sound because I was in a public space, and the fact that I didn't really know when I could stop playing the game was frustrating.

But overall, pretty sweet game for your first non-jam solo release! I would let you know my scores but I forgot to screenshot them before I exited the game :, )

Thanks so much! Glad that you enjoyed it. The truth about the happiness and activities meters is that they are mostly there to set up act one. Generally when a story like this is told, there is an "act one" phase that sets up the characters, sets up relationships, and generally just kind of sets up the environment for the story. In this case, I wanted players to believe that the game would be a very traditional virtual pet game. That is why the happiness and activity meters exist, but they pretty much only go down.

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Wack-E little game. Most surely produced by the great and interesting Zik, or someone like them. It reeks of their signature style.

I only played for a little bit, but I had a couple of questions. The first is that I noticed in the mall that when I spoke to the NPCs the portraits weren't coming up, even though in the screenshots above the portraits exist. Additionally, I could only seem to access the mall? perhaps I did something wrong but I couldn't find any way to get to the other places shown in the above screenshots. (Edit: lol just noticed that this question is answered in the description. Silly me!)

Is this because this is a prototype of a finished project and the finished project is what has the newest features? Or is it some other reason entirely?

Anyway, thanks for the experience, as usual, old sport. Keep up the work(s).

Lovely game! It was much longer than I was previously anticipating! The gameplay is very clean and fun, and it was pretty simple to pick up. I liked the art, I thought it was very cute.

combat was decent, nothing to scoff at, but there were some weak points. I feel like the enemies could have a bit more variety, and they tended to get stuck on things. Additionally, when in the mansion, the part with three pushable pillars next to each other was difficult to navigate. maybe space them out a bit so that pushing them isn't as buggy? 

overall great game old sport! I look forward to seeing more in the future!

lovely game as always old sport! I managed day 7 before the void was buffed into the stratosphere. Before that, I was actually pretty on top! I tried to stem the power of the enemy by killing some of their stronger omens, but it didn't seem to have too much effect. Truly, a game with the funky and unique style I've come to expect of Adrien Dittrick.

I've never been more scared for my life. thank you old sport.

I'm simply touched by this absolute masterpiece. Well done old sport

pretty glitchy, but with some polish and a good tutorial, it could be a lot of fun!

with all due respect, I think you might be getting the wrong message. The controls felt wonderful, and the game looked wonderful. The way the levels were built, however, were the thing I dislike the most. for example, in the very first room on one level, you needed to jump past these two pig things that would shoot bullets at you and dodge a laser blast. It was so dang hard getting the timing right and watching all of these threats at once that it made this portion of the game terrible for me. Another issue was the fact that according to the level design, you taught us that we could jump on slimes. However, when I tried to jump on anything else, I died. This is something else that frustrated and confused me. I would recommend learning how other developers make level design, for example, this video: 

sorry for the poor wording in my previous comment. good luck and happy deving!

I really enjoyed your game! the art was great, the music was great. the level design left something to be desired, however. I would test play the game and look into what parts frustrated or confused the player, and then fix those. but besides the ridiculous difficulty and that I never finished it, the parts I played were good!

fun, and I liked the graphics. the sound effects were cool. great first project. can't wait to see more old sport!

very adorable and imaginative, but seriously, add a checkpoint!

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pretty fun! what did the box looking thigies do?

to say the least, 
