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Im all for a Atleast a step 5... im not interest it adult content in games... but seriously... you have the option to wear an anklet ON YOUR WEDDING DAY.... like... we know where thats heading... 🤣  ...... but really going through adoption/surrogacy and raising a kid would be amazing

Love your suggestion, but just to clarify I wasn't requesting 'adult' content. I was referring to getting to spend time with cove at different ages because I am older 🤣 so step 5 would be cove at 28 if I am calculating correctly and step 6 would be cove at 33. So ideally I would actually need a lot more steps than I stated in order to get cove into my age group 🤣 so that would be step step 7 ( 38) but I figured that would be an even more ridiculous ask than I was already asking 🤣 although considering that his parents clearly age in reverse I would really love to see how cove ages into his 50s even. Only fear there is that the MCs parents would also be aging and I am scared to lose them, yes I am that attached to the characters in this game 😅


oh no need to clarify anything.. I understood XD... I just find the obviousness amusing....  

 A step with Kyra getting together with the guy from work would be fun.. having Cove getting a younger (step/half) sibling would be a fun story.. .. but I want Coves and MC's story to go up to their kid turning 8.. like full circle

Oh, ok. I misunderstood 😅🤣awww, love that full circle idea