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A member registered Feb 14, 2022

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If you get the free base game through steamdeck store.. you can go through game files and put the dlc from itch into the game

My friend recommended thos to me.. and the story seemed interesting... Buuut 4th wall breaking isn't my thing.. so I didn't get too far into the game XD it's just obnoxious

tried the demo on steam.. got 7 mins in.. suuuuuper long and boring opening narration and the " side comments" in the story is annoying and disruptive.... The BGs look amazing so I had hope for this game

After the demo... i'll buy this... but i wont be playing it

i agree! Maybe a scene in step 3 of still hanging with Jorge and Nico while derek is busy so theres more than suddenly  its 10yrs later and you show up at their house when all youve spent is like 2 1/2 months of summer vacation knowing them in step 1...... or more phone calls/texting; but i guess some people might find that boring....

...... and the story is kinda open-ended so that feels weird 

(1 edit)

I played the beta like 5 times... ive completed this dlc from start to finish twice( 2 different routes).. and i dunno what to think of it..... its a great addition dont get me wrong..... its just less... less story... less personalization/options.... i get its a dlc; but it lost what OL- Cove feels like... what made it different than other games... and I cant explain it without spoilers XD 

in Maine my two school districts where, k-6, 7-8, and 9-12 .... and when I moved it was k-4, 5-8, and 9-12 .... 

Im curious about something mentioned in the game.. where is it that 5th grade is the highest grade in a school?? I've never heard of that before.

oh no need to clarify anything.. I understood XD... I just find the obviousness amusing....  

 A step with Kyra getting together with the guy from work would be fun.. having Cove getting a younger (step/half) sibling would be a fun story.. .. but I want Coves and MC's story to go up to their kid turning 8.. like full circle

....... i have an unhealthy emotional attachment to this game...everytime a finish  i start over to see what else i can change. 

.... I'll acknowledge my birth name of Jamie just for this game 🤣  which is perfect; since I didn't change it until my 20s...

Im all for a Atleast a step 5... im not interest it adult content in games... but seriously... you have the option to wear an anklet ON YOUR WEDDING DAY.... like... we know where thats heading... 🤣  ...... but really going through adoption/surrogacy and raising a kid would be amazing

Uninstall and reinstall it, sounds like something got corrupted..

If steam was possible for my phone then i would XD