Wonderful plugin!
I'm getting some STmaps generated in BMD Fusion. These STmaps start at 0 but the pixel after the last pixel is 1. So for a 100 pixel width STmap first pixel would be 0 and the last pixel would be 0.99. You plugin is expecting the first pixel to be 0 and the last pixel to be 1.
Would it be possible to add a checkbox that would read the STmap in the way I described?
The TilingX/TilingY option might be able to fix this!
You should be able to put 0.99... into the Tile X and Tile Y options to get the remapping that you're describing. That way it will remap the [0.0,1.0] domain to [0.0,0.999...] since it multiplies the incoming X and Y component directly.
Does that provide the adjustment you're looking for?