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There's only one important question to ask: Will we get to pet the moos?

Jokes aside, I wanted to ask if we will get to know a bit more about our legal demon and our loyal accountant in the future updates, they had quite a start and I'm quite intrigued by them.

On a more curiosity only side, just how much does Khenbish know about cooking overall? I know it is a very vague question so feel free to answer as you see fit.

Good work on the project so far MinoTeam, I'll be excitedly waiting to see where you take the project.


We will get to know more about Robert and Themba, absolutely! I have some fun ideas for Robert in particular.

Khenbish knows more than you would guess from the limited access to information he has, but crucially he's a quick learner. As soon as he joins the hotel's staff he picks up online courses to learn as much as he can as quickly as possible.