I encountered these problems:
- Had this lighting glitch in the beginning of tutorial: https://streamable.com/gu01c
- I opened a debug menu and couldn't figure out how to close it.
- Spamming bouncing bullet makes the sound glitch uncomfortably when all the sounds are played at the same time.
- Maybe more of a demo thing, but going back to the title after winning/losing the wave makes it seem like the game is completely over, even though cash/weapons/etc. carries over.
- The baby mode bar reloaded even when shooting people in baby mode, which - the way I understood it from the tutorial - should only happen when shooting people as an adult. I made a video of it too, so you know what I mean: https://streamable.com/59qiz
It has a very cool and unique aesthetic with the baby theme, it contrasts well with the murderous rampage through hundreds of kidnappers. My favorite is still the music and audio design in general, I'd say you have a good thing going there. Since the tutorial is new, I'd also like to note that I managed to win my first wave after it, so I'd say it did a good job (especially with that focus on ABUSE THE BABY MODE, which really DID come in handy). All in all, a very fun game.
Now this only leaves me with one question: if babies are so powerful how did they get caught in the first place?