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I tried level 1 on the server and both levels on the itch page. On the itch page, level 2 had a lag spike toward the end that caused it to drop to 8 fps for a couple seconds, but that didn't effect gameplay. Besides that, both stayed around 45-55 fps the whole time.

It's hard to tell where I can and can't place rocks to block paths or whether I've succeeded to block a path. Other that that, the shield symbol and the rock symbol are very similar, which confused me at first when I was trying to figure out the costs of things. The game also seems oddly slow-paced for a tower defense game, but not so much as to not be enjoyable. Overally I like it so far.

I appreciate that,  helps a lot! Can I ask you about your CPU, GPU, OS and browser?

I'll try to do something about the block placing issue, maybe give some visual feedback; and also I'm pretty sure it's impossible to place blocks near fences (outside of them) because the fence hitbox is too big.

Thanks again for the feedback! :)


AMD Ryzen 3 at 2.6GHz, Radeon Graphics, Windows, Chrome.

I'm pretty much exclusively a software person, so I don't know what else might be important.

That's perfect, thanks!