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Wow, that's a super impressive project! Congratz, I hope you will keep working on it ;)

Note about your take on AI, as people on the internet want to try a game before bringing it to parties, a very dumb AI is way better that no AI.

My first AI was as dumb as : always push the stick toward the opponent, and if close push the attack button. It really made it playable by curious people out there.

The current AI is a little bit more evolved, but nothing super smart, and some people have real fun against it. A bit long to explain here, you can find the github project and I guess you are familiare enough with 6502 asm to understand it 🧐

Anyways, you have better things to do before. Just don't say "never" to AI, they are useful and a lot of fun to program ;)

Just to be clear, that project is not by me. I thought you might find it interesting... Some nice ideas about AI, BTW, maybe you should try to reach the dev on YouTube.

Haha, I assumed it was from you without verifying 😅

Thanks for bringing it up, it is indeed very intersting 👍