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A member registered Sep 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback!

Random level is indeed a great idea.

As for chatting we have a Discord server. Decided ages ago to go with Discord instead of IRC or Matrix as it is way more popular nowadays, notably in gaming circles. Integration in game of the Discord chat would technically be possible but a bit clanky to use with a NES controller. Support for the family basic keyboard could be a fun solution but there are so few units in the wild that it would not be practical.

Wi-Fi on Genesis is actually a thing.

There is a variant of the NES cart for Genesis in the work (search for rainbow-net on github to get the technical documentation,) and there is a game named "1985 World Cup" with working Wi-Fi feature (with a specific cart just for that game I think.)

No platform-fighter yet though. I won't do it because maintaining one game already keeps me quite busy but I'd like to see it come to life too 🤩

Thanks ☺️

Hello Ryan,

There is absolutely no issue redistributing the game. It is licensed under the WTFPL, as documented in the source:

Have a nice day, and thank you for letting me know you like Super Tilt Bro., as the dev that's heart warming ❤️

Thanks ❤️

There is a new character in the work, and some more planned. As well as new mechanics, balance, and other content. Super Tilt bro. development is steady.

Best place to follow it are:

- The Discord server,

- @SuperTiltBro on Twitter,

- or follow the devlog right here

Pick the one(s) of your liking. The devlog is focused on patch notes and from time to time articles about the development. The Discord is where the community meets for jabber, tourneys, and some out of topic talks. The twitter is between both as it relates patch notes and notable community events.

Thank you!

If I had infinite free time, I would have plans for an HD PC version, with modern graphics yet cross compatible with the NES version 🤘

Thank you 😊

Have fun!

Thank you for playing, happy to hear you like the game :)

Have fun ♥️

If you took the Super_Tilt_Bro_(E).nes from this page, it is a "mapper 30" ROM (also named UNROM-512 sometimes.) You may have to update your everdrive's firmware to run it. Obviously, you won't have online functionality since the everdrive does not have an embeded wi-fi chip.

If you took the .nes from the Linux/Windows/MacOS version, it is incompatible with the everdrive 

In the online menu, the "Settings" section has an "Update" entry. It is deactivated on emulator but will dowload the latest version and reprogram your cart with it on physical version.

In case something would go wrong, you will have the option to reset to the factory version.


There is no clear plan to add a grappler soon but the needed mechanics are comming so it will be a possibility. Projectiles will come first with next planned characters 😉

(1 edit)

Yes, it is planned. I need a way to make it unsafe on shield without modifying the move too much.

Meanwhile, the best counter is to jump over forward-special and punish its end-lag or the whiffed up-w.

Thanks. It is 100% original code though, not a hack of any existing game.

Yes, we have more characters planned. At least two from the console homebrew community are next :)

But we'll be nowhere near Crusade's gigantic roster. I hope to be able to put 8 characters in the cart before facing storage space issues.

And thanks for the kind words ♥️ should play it as usual. If it fails to boot correctly please tell me which browser you use and what is its version number.

(1 edit)

Yes, it's by design down tilts and special are out of shield moves. Also Pepper is the only char who can start a combo on an opponent on her back while she's in shield (down-spe into foward-tilt.)

Also, a jump can cancel the end of the shield vanishing animation, but unlike down attacks, it does not skip the entire animation.

I love your animations! The character is really nice! 🤩️

After a year, it still hard to build the game. No worries, I got you covered :)

The character exceeded the 16 KB size limit, so I had to butcher your animations to remove frames for shrinking it into a ROM. Anyway it still look great!

The ROM with Igbik is here, it whould work on any NES emulator (even web-based or on phone):

Certainly not what you had in mind movement wise, but these thing require tuning and being able to build the game to test changes. I have plans to make it easier, but priorities shifted, so it will not happen in near future. It is impressive you got that far without being able to test your mod!

Last but not least, your mod with changes required for it to build the ROM above:

Thanks 🥰

Come to the Discord to make cool friends who play the coolest game in the universe.

Or you can also try the Arcade mode ;)

Haha! Thanks ♥️

(Pepper mains are the bests!)

Hit me up on Twitter or Discord DM

Twitter: @RogerBidon


Thank you 🥰

Begining with today's release (2.0-beta7) You should be able to play with the Windows version available on

Please tell me if there is any problem.

Hello! Happy to hear that you like the game!

Can you try this version of the emulator?

You will need to download the normal windows version ( to get the ".nes" file from its "rom" folder. Then open the .nes with the emulator above. It should work, and you should be able to go online.

If it works, I'll find a way to include it in next release so you don't have to care about 32/64 bits emulators.

Haha, and did you see that "special thanks" section in the credits? Freakin awesome ;)

Thank you ♥️

Done, and you got your name in the credits ;)

yes, he is like that on the development version. So next update he will look like that ;)

Here is your ROM:

I just had to change the last frame's duration of the defeat animation. Max value is 255.

I love it. May I reuse some parts in the official game? Notably Pepper's victory/defeat animations 😊️


Looking forward to see that 👀

once again, the answer is "technically yes, but that is hard to setup"

I think I'll add a ticket "make the mods downloadable ingame" to my TODO-list. That would be super cool and make mids work anywhere easily 🔥

Anyway, you will need to recompile the game. Wich is not trivial to setup.

Any other way to contact me in private? By email maybe:


Yes you need a nes to run the physical game. We put a cheaper reward with only digital OST and a comic with a small story featuring the game characters if you really want to help but don't need the cart ♥️

(The game here will stay free and kept up to date. We really sell the carts.)

if you can hop on discord and send me the .json file, I can build a private version for you.

(I really should add a button to do that automatically on the web editor.)

Haha, glad you got it solved. I would have been of little help I fear 😅

(1 edit)

Haha, that's cool. Sorry for the late reply. I love your analyse of characters, exactly the kind of feedback I lack the most. Thank you!

About lgbik, I won't pick it in the official build because I am really touchy with which character should make it to the main roster. But, I admit he is promising and would fill a hole in the current cast. Did you know the game can be modded, we even have a character editor: for now it is quite technical to build the game after creating a character in the editor, but I could personally help with that when you are happy with the character in the editor ;)

Click that "Download Now" button on the game's page

Dowload the Linux, Windows or MacOS version depending on your system and launch it.

Alternatively, you can download the client that should diwnload the appropriate version when you click "install" on Super Tilt Bro.

Thank you ♥️

Thanks 😊