-no option is preselected when running the game
-arbtirary window resizing is nice
-let me use WASD
-menu transition is too slow, make it 0.0-0.1s
-entering the options menu first time after resizing goes back to large size
-let backspace do what Esc is doing too
-game resizes back again when running game, stop that shit
-when resized to like 1280x600 the phone text is unreadable
-in fact, it's a blurry mess in most resolutions
-auto-typing feels bad, either ask for a prompt or let me actually type it out (my game does this as a primary mechanic)
-I'm not reading walls of text on game start, good luck
-it's a platformer
-what is this cs_1_6_run_step.wav?
-nice spatial positioning
-music by default drowns everything out
Fell into pit at the end of the level. It's a mess in general in terms of focus, but not bad.