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(1 edit)

to me it does seems like dozer's being the only one allowed to make a decision on who would be "allowed" like given the option on who would MC bring in for it would give more sense to me 

i get that the creator wants the story to go a diffrent route then maybe the reader but all of that could of been taken cared of by given the choise who they'd bring in and then if its not someone the creator wanted the route to go towards have dozer say that HE's not comfidable about that person ... removing the option for it to be only that person or none at all just makes me feel like the MC is not allowed to have an opinion in the matter
just imo 

that being said i really enjoyed all of the routes so far and looking forward for the last days for darius and dozer to be out to see what they end up doing on those and richards route im even more looking forward to see where goes