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A member registered Feb 14, 2022

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(1 edit)

ahh fair enough :)

also love the story but i think i would had liked to see a more heartfelt moment when santino showed up at the door like a tear falling down alex's cheek to show how hard the betrayel was or a shortness of breath to alarm santino that the lies and betrayel was maybe more then alex could handle? i dont know ... something more then just a bit of anger

is there a guide for every cg? i feel like i have used 30 hours just trying to unlock a few on chapter 6 and 7 cuz i want to see all of them.

but i cant seem to find the ways to open them so i'm guessing it's got to do with options made beforehand and i cant seem to get the right combinations down for them

i just think with so many charecters it's a good idea to have so was curious thanks for the reply and i'm looking forward to the updates :)

is there a guide out for this game to help navigate through potentionel favorite love intrests ?

thanks that helped

how to get the threesome? i feel like i have tried everything but just not getting the option

there's bad ending already?

i know riiiiight??? marshal just have to be okay or ill cry myself to sleep for the rest of my life

the skills of the writter to get that kinda attachment to the characters this early really shows how good this VN is gonna be once its further along and i for one cant wait to see where it goes

10/10 VN from first update is impressive

(1 edit)

to me it does seems like dozer's being the only one allowed to make a decision on who would be "allowed" like given the option on who would MC bring in for it would give more sense to me 

i get that the creator wants the story to go a diffrent route then maybe the reader but all of that could of been taken cared of by given the choise who they'd bring in and then if its not someone the creator wanted the route to go towards have dozer say that HE's not comfidable about that person ... removing the option for it to be only that person or none at all just makes me feel like the MC is not allowed to have an opinion in the matter
just imo 

that being said i really enjoyed all of the routes so far and looking forward for the last days for darius and dozer to be out to see what they end up doing on those and richards route im even more looking forward to see where goes

day 32 of dozer with the surden event in the lockerrooms and the talk happending at the way home left me feeling a bit anoyyed that it was either 1 of no one seeing as someone else in the group of friends (someone that had shown a bit more affection lately) probably would have an easier time to actully do something with but that option wasn't there to talk about 

otherwise a rather good route to take for sure.