Ohh this was great to wake up to! Thank you so much for the feedback! I don't mind the length at all.
1) Yeah, unfortunately so much of my time was spent writing that I didn't have much time to play around with the UI (especially because I've never used Twine before). I actually wanted to make some art and change the UI elements after every chapter, but I was still writing during the last few hours.
2) I get what you mean with Lorem's typing so I might limit it to when it's only talking via the projectors. I'll see if tightening the margins would help Rnst's lines, but I'll admit that I was kinda relying on it to avoid dialogue tags and to easily communicate that it's Rnst talking. I'll keep it in mind though.
3) Yup, this game was a lot more fast-paced than my main story, but I'll blame this too on the time constraints.
Anyway, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed playing your text adventure too. <3