Great feedback! Thank you!
I really wanted to represent the Havoc Warriors as something different than their Chaos reflections, and I've always viewed wood elves as the more nature oriented of their kin, but the moon is an integral part of the natural cycle. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough room to truly flesh out either of the ways I see them.
The memory to the present was definitely not what I wanted. I had a personal engagement I couldn't avoid during the writing weekend so I had to push this out as fast as possible. I'm definitely planning to rework that section when I revise it after the jam. I think the axe feels disjointed on account of the weird transition to the present. With it happening right before the awkward part I feel like it gets quickly forgotten so your brain can focus on figuring out what the weird transition is.
Ooh. That's disappointing to read! While you're correct about the more minor elements of reflection, the core one must have gotten lost. The main representation was meant to be a reflection of the elf's character, a criticism on it hidden in the last line. Here is this clearly talented and proud warrior, defending her post against less than good odds, but in her final moment, she doesn't truly complete what she believes she's done. Now that I'm typing it out, it was probably not the best idea to go with an outlier definition in such a short format.
Thanks again for reading it and the feedback!