Ah, yeah. If you play with the assist mode, it allows for for holding down keys, added that in coz I went crazy playing my game when trying to find the optimal sensitivity and whatnot of the beat detection algorithm. On the difficulty selection/menu, you can hit your arrow keys switch between difficulties. Look for the ones appended with " - No assist" if you don't like the holding feature. Capturing the beat works more like your typical rhythm game without assist. The beat is supposed to be clicked right when it's center touches the edge of the black hole, without assist, I think you have about ~0.5s window? Not very certain as I forgot what I set it as.
A click track is a great idea! Something like a metronome that plays softly in the background or when there is a lull in the beats, not sure how it would affect the game, but will play around with it. I believe(or hope) that it be easier to find the beat when the player actually provides their own song - maybe i add a some indicator whether you are early/late with snares or something.