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(2 edits) (+2)

Overall, I really enjoyed the pace and feeling of the game, it's pretty solid. It has a good dark ambience, well designed characters, sounds, animations and an interesting storyline.

My only issues were:

- Blind Jumps: I don't like these because you basically have to guess where you have to fall at in order to avoid taking damage.

- Taking damage bug: when you touch something that deals damage, if you don't stop touching it, it won't damage you again.  This reduced my immersion a little bit because I could play around with the monsters whenever they touched me.

- Flashlight is cool, but there is no need to use them since you can just jump over the monsters and escape them quicker than if you flash them. Making some monsters faster than the player would make the flashlight useful though!

Congratulations for the game, I had fun!


Thank you for your helpful tips on how to improve the game, if we do anything bigger with it we will definitely keep this in mind, thanks.