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Johnny Connor

A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game looks really promising so far! Each character is really cute in their own way and the story is interesting so far. I'm looking forward for the next updates!

Also, who are the amazing artists behind this modern cartoon art style? They nailed it at the ambience/character designs!

Although I disagree with your points regarding the background art (in 2D games, darker backgrounds indicate depth) and the difficulty (it's meant to be a bit hard, hence the game has many checkpoints), I have never heard of the concept of coyote time before. I googled about it and got really surprised with the results, so thank you for introducing me to it!

I think the game needs attention in some areas. To cite a few examples: there is no audio, no walking with shield animation, no health bar and a few bugs. Also, I wish the game had an ending so I could see the rest of the story (after killing a mage nothing else happens). :(

Don't get me wrong, the game is far from boring, I actually had some fun with the powers you made, I just wish there were more features!

Good entry!

I think that developing a whole 3D infinite runner game within week was a way too ambitious idea for this jam. I appreciated that you did your best to make sure the player would feel immersed by adding both music and sound effects, but the game has many major bugs, such as invisible main menu, infinite jump/slide, and gaps in the road that the player can use to escape it.

I think that the lesson you learned from this jam was to always manage your project's scope according to the time you have, because if you had more, I'm pretty sure you would have fixed these bugs and further polished the game.

Regardless, I hope you had fun and learned how to develop some game features in this jam, because this is what a jam is all about!

The combination of the unsettling music, color scheme, backstories and how they were directed synthesized a really engaging atmosphere, making this game really addictive! I had a really good time playing through this one.

Some issues I had were that the stories ended too abruptly (no conclusion or whatsoever), some graphic inconsistencies (some sprite assets were much more artistically complex/simpler than others + blurry UI) and that I didn't understand your explanation on the theme too well.

As some have stated, the controller was indeed very sensitive and imprecise, but since I actually enjoy trial and error games, especially when you get rewarded as you get past the segments (with the continuation of the story, in this case), I didn't see it as a bad thing.

Great work!

Interesting take on the theme. The atmosphere felt great and this was probably one of the most innovative games I've played in this jam so far!

Some issues I had was that I couldn't make to level 3 because a bug made me get stuck/return to the main menu everytime I returned a spirit to a torch and that I felt like the soul attraction level didn't match with the lighting I emitted (spirits can lose you even when they are being illuminated by you, especially at lower lighting levels).

Great work!

Wow, this really needs more attention, it's so good! I loved pretty much everything in it: the pixel art, music, sound effects, menus, color scheme, etc.

The only thing I missed, as pointed out by some, is something like an infinite mode (with a timer that increases gradually less for each time a correct deliver is made) or having the story mode getting more and more difficult as the days in-game passes (expanding recipes, clients, and potion complexity, rather than starting with everything available from the get-go).

Great job!

Really? That's nice to hear!
About level V, now that I think about it, my theory is that the issue is that the wall collision sound doesn't play when you hit it while going sideways? I felt like I wasn't moving there, so maybe I was walking into the walls for multiple minutes this whole time!

Really interesting and immersive gameplay! The audio is great and was designed in way which gives the player many informations, such as when he hits a wall or is close to the exit.

I tried to play it until the end, but I rage quitted at level V, because the monster just charges at you and screams very loudly, and going sideways leads you nowhere, so maybe it's bugged or I was doing something wrong. :(

Nonetheless, that is a really great and creative entry, congratulations!

The idea fits the theme and the menu have a good amount of buttons, but I feel like there could be more features and polishment to further enchance the game itself. To cite a few examples, it would be really cool if the city was crowded and you had your friends following you. Then, there could be some groups of grey people that only become your friend if you already have a certain amount of friends with you. The grey characters could also have a red arrow above them so it would be easier to locate them.

Regardless, you designed and made a fully functioning 3D game (I didn't came across any bugs) in just a week, so nice job!

Incredible game, I liked it a lot! Only issue I had was that I felt like the characters had a hitbox a bit bigger than them, making the jumps feel less smooth and logical (to succeed in your jumps, you have to delay them to the moment when your character is not even stepping on the ground anymore).

Great entry, I had lots of fun!

Thank you!

Now that I've played it, here's my review: 

Even though you made the game from scratch, you managed to use your resources efficiently and creatively, and I appreciate that a lot! The puzzle idea was really interesting and there is so much you can do with it. I had genuine fun with your game.

The only problems I can point out is that there could be more levels, I could hear background noises in the soundtrack and maybe the art could be improved a little bit (like a background for the levels, symmetric UI and maybe animations for the characters).

Overall, believe it or not, this was one of my favorite games in this jam, because I love the idea of creating something new with simple ideas! Well, at least I'm assuming that was an original idea, because I've never seen a puzzle game like yours before (there is a similar called "Theseus and the Minotaur", but it's not exactly the same puzzle as yours).

Wow, a stealth game with miami vibes, nice! My favorite powers were the explosive cart and the cocaine, they helped me a lot. I didn't understand what was the point of that toilet though, but it made me laugh when I first tested it lol.

The only issues I can point out is that the enemies normally ignored the explosive carts and didn't care about dead bodies and that their attack animations weren't always synced with their attacks (sometimes they kill you before it even starts).

Congratulations, this game was really fun to play!

The art style, cutscenes and ambience were great, and that ending was heartwarming! I just had a hard time with the controls, but once I got used to them, I managed to beat the levels quicker. Also, music and sound effects could have been used during the game to further enchance the atmosphere of the game.

But I really liked this entry, it was an interesting and informative take on the theme, good work!

I don't even know what to say, even though it was made within a week, this game is nearly perfect and I loved it a lot!

For feedback purposes, the minor issues I found were:

  • Without a tutorial, it was kinda hard to fully understand the game in my first playthrough (for instance, I didn't knew I could hold the shoot button nor that the map indicated where immeadiate attention was required).
  • The shop could have purchase confirm buttons and make it clearer that you can't use two upgrades of the same type at the same time.
  • Difficulty starts hard but gets easier as the game progresses.
  • If you lose and try to play again, the game behaves weirdly.
  • If you beat the game and quit it, the game shows the game over message.

This is me beating the game after destroying over 4000 enemies, thank you for the fun I had! :D

That was a really good looking and cute game! I just think it's missing a few features, such as score, sound effects, music and difficulty increase as the endless mode progresses.

Regardless, the ghost mechanisms were very innovative and the game overall is very fun! Nice work!

I liked the idea of having the player with the ability of invoking someone to fight for him and the music is nice. However, I think the game needs more features, such as an AI for the enemies and some platforming too!

Regardless, that was a cool take on the theme, so nice work for making your idea come true in just a week!

Couldn't open the game. :(

Can you post an .exe somewhere else so I can play it?

That was by design, because since he is like you, he can jump too, unlike the zombies. He doesn't jump as high as the player because if he did, the fight would be much more difficult!

I didn't knew how to interact with the doors at first, nor what I had to do, but when I figured things out, I had so much fun! This is pure Among Us vibe and I loved it. My only issue was that there is a bug in which if you start an interaction while moving, you get stuck. But even then, you made it possible to restart the game without having to close and open it again by using the pause menu, which is awesome.

Nice work!

My priority is to first rate everyone who rated me, so don't worry, I rated yours. :-)

There were some bugs and the music didn't fit too well to the silent and creepy atmosphere of the house, but I had a good time looking out for the monster with just a flashlight in the middle of the dark! His scream jump scared me many times lol.

At first, I didn't understand that you had to destroy the ghosts, but once I did, I had some fun! Also, I think the game would look even better if there was some more details, such as animations for the enemies and sound effects when you hit them.

This is for sure a great take on the theme. The ocean really needs our help!

I liked how the game was designed, because when you help the animals, you end up helping yourself too, just like in real life!

Nice entry!

Of course, my priority is to rate everyone who rated me!

(2 edits)

The game is a little buggy and it could have more instructions at the beginning, but once I understood what I had to do, I had fun because the game design is solid (you have to risk yourself in dangerous areas in order to get more wood). The fact that there was even an ending cutscene is impressive as well!

As for the UI elements, I suggest using TextMeshPro to make the text look less blurry and being careful with typos (I, for example, use google to make sure I wrote things correctly).

Also, I liked how you added configurations for the audio in the settings, as this feature is often forgotten in game jams!

Nice work!

This game is surprisingly long for a game made within a week, which is awesome (I explored the whole map)! Unfortunately, at some point there was a wall without collision that lead me to an infinite fall into the void, so it would be cool if there was a reset button.

Another thing I enjoyed was the variety of weapons present in the game and the many strategies you could choose from with them (builds). As a RE4 enthusiast, I chose the dodge and melee only route, switching to fire weapons only when absolutely necessary. I also noticed that headshotting enemies dealt more damage than just shooting their bodies, which shows that you've paid attention to the details while developing your game!

My only issues were that I couldn't run (would be useful for going through the places I already explored) and that the music is repetitive.

Overall, the game is very polished, fun and big. A great entry for sure!

What can I even say? This is easily one of the best games in this jam. I love these "work together" type of puzzle games, especially when they are so smooth, well designed and visually pleasing like yours! The only thingies I can possibly nitpick is that there is no SE's and the BGM is really short.

I hope this project turns into a full game later on (if you guys feel like it)!

At first, as people stated, the game gets boring quick because the starting waves are easy but way too long and empty. However, I encourage these people to keep playing the game and make it past wave 8, as the difficulty starts scalating quickly, making the game challenging and fun!

Being able to move your camera by using the mouse would have been interesting, but since there was a useful minimap showing everything I needed to know, I hadn't any problems with the lack of this feature. Also, the game's beat is fire, I really loved it!

Nice work!

The aiming system didn't work too well in fullscreen and I cheesed the monster by using the corners of the mansion hehe.

Despite these minor issues, the character's movements worked smoothly and I really liked the way you guys combined the audio and art into setting this scary atmosphere! Nice entry!

Really solid game and idea. The minimap was a really nice addition, it saved me so much time in locating things! One of the things I think it would be nice to do would be making the foods go a little transparent when you are holding them so players could better see where they are exactly.

A few minor bugs here and there but overall the gameplay is really interesting, not to mention that sweet cutscene at the end! Great work!

Damn, that was an intense atmospherical experience. I loved everything about it! Also, I felt so sorry for that old lady, man. I didn't wanted to kill her at all D:

It kinda is, we all lived that experience at some point in life lol.

Is it for MacOS only? I couldn't play it :(

If that's the case, could you post a windows version in another place so I can play it?

No problem ;-)

Dashboard > Create new project > Upload files (upload your game) > Save & view page > Edit game > Visibility & access (set to 'Public — Anyone can view the page'). After that, your project will appear as an option for submission in the jam's page.

I hope "You're not alone" wins, there are many things people can create with it.