We need list of types of goods to prepare and send, list with priority whith is needed most.
We are curently gathering:
Food - Mostly Canned of Dry like dry noodles.
Clothes - of every type, what people give to send.
Medical Suplies - Mostly sterile bandages, spiritus to disinfection of medical tools, painkillers.
If you can send a list of most needed goods then we can prioritize the transports with mostly needed ones.
PS.: If you need chemical suplies like Glicerine and Nitric Mix for deffensive usage then we also will try to get some and send to Ukraine Border Guards. Mines with Nitroglicerine in 2 separate substances might be effective in deffens against enemy Tanks. Off course its only my idea.
Victory for Ukraine! Death for Enemies! Putin go to Hell right Now!!